What is C-SKIN, the silicone synthetic leather?
"C-SKIN" is a high-quality silicone leather with a new feel that surpasses that of genuine leather. It is a synthetic leather made from polyester fiber cloth and solvent-free silicone resin.
It has Weatherability and a texture not found in conventional synthetic leather, and does not require the same maintenance as genuine leather.
Features of C-SKIN
1. It will not deteriorate even when used outdoors!
It uses silicone resin, which has excellent Weatherability, so it will not deteriorate even when used outdoors.
2. Easy to maintain!
It is water repellent performance and stain-resistant, so dirt comes off easily and it is easy to clean.
3. Environmentally friendly!
Since we use solvent-free silicone resin, no toxic gases are generated during the manufacturing process.
Background to the development of C-SKIN
We have been utilizing the coating technology we have cultivated in fluoroplastic processing since 2004 to start our silicone coating business. By mainly manufacturing side curtain airbags for automobiles, we have acquired highly advanced silicone coating technology and processing know-how.
Taking advantage of these experiences, we have developed a new product called "CHUKOH™ C-SKIN" in order to provide added value to other markets in the future.
In the case of black, the black side is silicone resin and the white side is polyester fiber cloth.
For details such as product specifications, please see the product page.
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